Barbacoa Chihuahua Style

Here is one of my most delivious recipes from all times. Barbacoa Chihuahua Style. Since I was little every sunday my dad would wake up early and prepare this barbacoa recipe for breakfast, I can remember hearing the chop chop at 6:30am but I didn’t mind because I know I was going to eat theContinue reading “Barbacoa Chihuahua Style”

Happiness blooms from the within.

My favorite month it’s here!!! I decide to intentionally make this 30 days Happiness Challenge in February. It’s my birthday month, V- Day is around the corner and all the beautiful cold weather is taking its last shot before starting to wind down; which don’t get me wrong get me super excited. Join me inContinue reading “Happiness blooms from the within.”

Guess what? It’s my Birthday

It’s being 84 years and I can still smell the fresh paint… umm… no it hasn’t been that long Rose!!! Today it’s my 3-2 birthday… wait what? I remember thinking that people in their 30 were old, but wait… 32 isn’t really that old, I also remember being so worried in my 20s about allContinue reading “Guess what? It’s my Birthday”

Working moms are everywhere

Most of 70% of the female work force in the world have children, which give them the title of “working moms”that means that 70% of us, go to work everyday from 9 to 5 and come back to our family, to help our kids do their homework, to sign school papers, to make dinner andContinue reading “Working moms are everywhere”

Lets get mental MOMS

As we navigate contemporary motherhood many of us, moms or women whatever season of life we are don’t have the time or energy to understand why we fell all the emotions we feel, sometimes we internalize our feelings and do the best we can to show up every single day. A lot of experts blameContinue reading “Lets get mental MOMS”

Quick and delicious Hot Cocoa

My girls and I share the love for delicious hot cocoa, specially in those snowy, cold days that we don’t get to stay at home. Each of us have our on special cup and when we pour this scrumptious hot cocoa we top it with a limitless amount of mini marshmallows. YUMMM…. This recipe cameContinue reading “Quick and delicious Hot Cocoa”

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