Working moms are everywhere

Most of 70% of the female work force in the world have children, which give them the title of “working moms”that means that 70% of us, go to work everyday from 9 to 5 and come back to our family, to help our kids do their homework, to sign school papers, to make dinner and get everything ready to do it all over again tomorrow. It doesn’t matter if you work in the corporate world or you have your own business, the truth is trying to find the home/work balance is never easy and almost impossible.

photography of people inside room during daytime

It’s so funny to me that women can go through so much in their life: relationships, acne, bad hair days, love deceptions, long lasting friendships, true love, etc and they make it work some way but when they become moms they are introduce to a living breathing entity that if you are not aware it will suck your soul. Working mom guilt.

Look friend, i would describe myself as a “cool mom” most of the days, I’m a DIY pro, I’m that mom who always scream her daughters names on a their cheerleaders competition and I’m that mom who cried when they said “mama” for the first time.


Truth to be told i hold myself to an enormous sky high standard of parenting, which in other words means I’m just setting up myself for failure.

Here’s an example if you don’t believe me: in the beginning of this school year i signed up for the annual Trunk or treat at my youngest daughter’s school. She wanted me to go and dress up ans scare her little friends. From the moment i grabbed that pen i knew that my work schedule will be in the way of this amazing opportunity to spend quality time with my little one… but… like the “High standard mom” i am, i thought i can move things around and make it work.

The Halloween week came and my work schedule was insane, i sat with my daughter and explain to her I wont be able to make it but instead I’ll could sent some goodies bags to her classroom. She was thrill and didn’t give it a second thought.

bowl of candy corns

But me… oh boy… this mom failure is still on my mind. Why? Because it’s my nature (and yours too, sis) to find our weaknesses and poke at them.

macro photography of woman kissing baby head

I’m still learning this but, say it with me — IT’S OK TO FAIL.

We moms are humans: our kids need to know us as humans who make mistakes and the reason things normally run so smoothly is because we try really, really hard all the freaking time.

We don’t have all the answers to every situation. We are still learning how to be amazing moms and navigate this world with gluten allergies and muddy foot prints on our fresh mopped floor.

Mommas friends, mom guilt is real, super real and if you let it, it will consume you.

woman carrying child on color run

Don’t be unrealistic in your expectations as mom, give yourself grace. It’s ok to struggle, stumble and fail, because when you get up you have learned a lesson and guess what? your kids as well.

My tip as a cool mom as I think I am its this sis, your kids don’t need a perfect mom, they need a human mom, they need you.

Love, your girl


9 thoughts on “Working moms are everywhere

  1. There is a balance between being a good mom and trying to be perfect. High expectations are so unrealistic with the demands on our time outside the home. You are doing a great job and thanks for reminding us that it’s ok to not be perfect!


  2. I can relate to this post. My daughter has preschool in the mornings and if they ever have anything going on in the classroom I can’t attend because I am working. I know it’ll only get worse as she gets into actual school, so I understand where you’re coming from. Working mom guilt is definitely real. At the end of the day, most of us are just doing the best we can and we need to be kinder to ourselves. Thanks for sharing.


  3. I love this post. I believe mom guilt is the worst nightmare that we need to fight to just be able to live normally. We need to be gentle to ourselves just like we are to our close ones. Otherwise, we’re on the easiest way to losing our minds.

    Liked by 1 person

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