Guess what? It’s my Birthday

It’s being 84 years and I can still smell the fresh paint… umm… no it hasn’t been that long Rose!!!

Today it’s my 3-2 birthday… wait what? I remember thinking that people in their 30 were old, but wait… 32 isn’t really that old, I also remember being so worried in my 20s about all the things I “needed” to do in order to be a successful woman in the eyes of today’s society.

This is me when I was just a tiny little baby

Thank God I see everything more clearly now… I’m exactly where in suppose to be in my life, my family makes me so happy, I adore my husband and my girls, I enjoy my work and my personal growth is beyond what I could ever imagine. You wanna know what else? I get to share little pieces of my life with you, my tribe.

I decided that 32 its going to be amazing, it’s going to be epic and it’s going to be graceful. My blessings will overflow my cup, my goals will be reach and my heart will be full with every joyful moment.

Go to my Instagram to celebrate with me! @livingmybestlifeblog

Cheers for my 32!!

Happy Birthday to me!

Love, your girl


14 thoughts on “Guess what? It’s my Birthday

  1. Mary!!! My birthday is tomorrow– February 4th! Don’t you just LOVE February anyway! I actually did a blog on February in case you’re interested. Have a wonderful 32nd birthday!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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